Don H. Meredith
Professional Writing Services
Relating the spirit of the land.
Writing about the outdoors, environment and the human experience
In 2019 Don returned to the Arctic to see the changes and once again enjoy the landscape—a future blog post.
Land Acknowledgement
I, Don Meredith respectfully acknowledge that I live, write and conduct business on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Quw’utsun (Cowichan) First Nation of the Coast Salish Peoples. My family and I further acknowledge that the Quw’utsun People continue to live on these lands and care for them, and that their relationship with these lands existed thousands of years before the creation of Canada or British Columbia. We are learning much from First Nation Peoples about how to live in harmony with the land.
“Got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight”
—Lovers in a Dangerous Time, Bruce Cockburn
New Substack Post
The Muskwa-Kechika Wilderness
The deep blue water of Muncho Lake dropped away from us as we steeply climbed to get above the approaching mountains. Soon bare mountain ridges and broad forested valleys, bisected by meandering wild rivers, passed below us. No roads, highways, powerlines or pipelines were visible as far as the eye could see. Wilderness in the true sense of the word.
As a wildlife biologist, I have worked in the Canadian High Arctic, the boreal forest of northern Alberta and the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Over the course of my work, I came to realize that in the long term good wildlife management was dependent on a concerned and informed public. The problem was that many biologists and wildlife managers were not communicating well with the people upon whom they depend to support their work. I decided to develop myself as a writer and learn effective communication techniques to explain the value and management of our natural resources to the people who make the ultimate, long-term decisions.
My passion and long career with wildlife and the outdoors has allowed me to write and present on the importance of wildlife and wild places and their impact on the well being of individuals and society as a whole.
Fiction Books
I have written two award winning young-adult, adventure novels with stories that pit people against nature and each other. Each book explores the necessity of survival in the wilderness and the complications of human nature.
Photo Gallery
Packing a camera along with me on my adventures has provided me with a record of my experiences and mile posts for my memories. I often use them to illustrate my writing, talks and lectures.
Professional Writing & Presentation Services on the Environment and Outdoors
I provide professional writing and editing services to a variety of clients with different organizations and industries. My passion and long career with wildlife and the outdoors has focussed my writing to categories surrounding the environment and outdoors.
Want to chat about my work, or have a project you would like to discuss?